Sunday, 15 April 2012

Exploration 2

I’m running down the road I’m on the sidewalk, turning into a side street
It’s late. All the people inside their beds. Some sleeping.
Sometimes I feel like I’m running away and my body tires quickly
Sometimes I feel like I’m chasing you and I catch up
Then all I hear is the blood in my ears and my steady breathing
Like I’m on an operating table
I like this feeling
I can feel your eye on me
And your wings around me
And I keep going and find the rhythm of the track I know is there underneath me
I feel the bruises in my lungs, but it doesn’t matter
The people don’t matter
The stupid shit I do and say and write and sing doesn’t matter
I live for this
The memories don’t matter
The happily married divorced with kids don’t matter
I love this moment
I love you don't leave

Monday, 19 March 2012

These Hands Are Mitts

These hands are mitts
head lies like a cloak.
At the witching hour my body
clenches and I wake up
yelling gibberish at my family.

Does the sun yield to you?
Creator of the time space continuum
I drift in

floating face down over my

Cut the cord when it's time.